Robust Rambles

Herne Bay to Hazelmere Robust Ramble

Section 3 (Out)

Calcott to Fordwich

Walk Details
Map Explorer 150 Canterbury & the Isle of Thanet
Total Circular Distance 5 miles/3 hours
Start From The Punch Tavern, parking if intending to take refreshment here
Comment A mixed walk with some excellent country paths and views but also an urban section through Sturry. Unfortunately due to a permanently waterlogged and extremely muddy path the only alternative is ¼ mile of road walking at the start. This is along the A291, Herne Bay to Canterbury road which is fast and busy. There is a pavement, but go in single file taking constant care.
Walk Instructions

From The Punch Tavern, cross the main road and turn left along the pavement. Pass new housing and an older white house at Calcott on your right, and keep on down the pavement for ¼ mile.

Pass several business units as you go. The pavement deteriorates near the bottom at brick bridge abutments. Carefully cross to the other side and keep on along a rougher pathway to the very bottom of the hill.

Just past a bus stop on the other side, cross to a wide concrete farm entrance drive and double metal fieldgates. Go up the drive between fields.

At the end, exit through a metal fieldgate and turn left up a rough country lane, uphill all the way between fields and orchards. Begin to pass houses then emerge onto a main road.

Cross slightly left to a footpath opposite. Continue along and keep forward where the path merges into an access drive. Reach a main road and turn left for some way.

Where the road bends right, go left onto a footpath down through woods. Ignore a footpath off right and keep on downhill for ¼ mile.

At a Y-fork by a field on the right, bear left and at the next junction keep left again. Cross open ground, straight down to a railway line by Junior Kings School. Cross the railway through ancient iron kissing gates and go down the approach road.

Turn left at a junction along into Sturry village now rather a sorry place with closed shops and pub. Go forward to a main road by a level crossing.

Turn right along the main road to a pedestrian crossing. Turn off the main road which is bending right and go up a side road straight ahead called Fordwich Road passing Water Lane over on your right.

As you head towards Fordwich look out for a footpath off left between a house and a bungalow. This is used on the return journey. Continue up and over a narrow bridge to reach the George and Dragon on your left and the end of the section.