Robust Rambles

Herne Bay to Hazelmere Robust Ramble

Section 4 (Out)

Fordwich to Littlebourne

Walk Details
Map Explorer 150 Canterbury & the Isle of Thanet
Total Circular Distance 5 miles/3 hours
Start From the George & Dragon pub in Fordwich, parking opposite if intending to take refreshment there.
Comment A mixed walk with a great variety of country paths and views, with hills and hollows, woodland and fields; a couple of stiles. Some tricky moments finding the paths, uphill out of Fordwich. There is a confusing network of paths and they are currently quite overgrown.
Walk Instructions

Leave the George & Dragon car park and turn right with care, a few paces, to a sharp left bend. Follow the road around and at the junction soon reached, carefully cross and continue straight ahead.

Just before the church ahead, turn right to reach the road end, then left up a diagonal path called School Lane.

Very shortly, in about 10 metres, turn right up an enclosed path, to a concrete parking area, continue up tio a road end.

Bear diagonally left up to a metal kissing gate. Go through and up a bank to a second kissing gate. Through this turn right, then bear left uphill on an overgrown path.

Follow this path to the left where it bends left (ignore feint path off right). At a cross path, turn right, into a narrow path through bushes.

At a slightly open area, ignore feint path off left and continue uphill with paddocks on your right (path is narrow, overgrown and enclosed between vegetation and a wire fence on your right).

At the top go up a steep bank, bearing right at a fork, over to a stile into a playing field.

Bear slightly left across the field towards a pavilion in the far left corner. Keep just right of the pavilion and go up a bank and out to a road. Turn left for 20 metres.

Turn right into a path entrance. You will face an unusual metal gate with a shaped gap for walkers and a house nearby. However all is overgrown. Instead take the path on the right down into woods.

Ignore side paths. Where the main path (used by horses) swings left, keep straight on downhill on a narrower path, increasingly steeply.

Near the bottom, ignore a path coming in from the right, and keep forward as the path swings gently left, still slightly downhill.

At the bottom of the slope, look for a narrow footpath turning off right. Soon exit the bottom of the wood and continue up the edge of an open area.

At the far side enter woods and continue up on a broad path to a road.

Cross and continue through a squeeze stile by a metal barrier. Go on along a track enclosed between hedges.

Go through a metal fieldgate and keep forward on a gravel vehicle drive for ½ mile. Pass through a second metal fieldgate halfway.

Where, finally, the drive turns sharp left, go right then right again onto a path into woods.

At a Y-fork at the far end, turn left to a main road. Turn left down the pavement for 100 metres to reach the Evenhill Pub on the edge of Littlebourne and the end of the section.